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Protecting Motherwell FC football players with UV-C lighting
Motherwell FC, Scotland
Protecting Motherwell FC football players with UV-C lighting
Learn how Philips UV-C disinfection lighting is providing additonal protection for football players at Motherwell FC.
Show moreWe needed a lighting solution for both basketball games and shows. Hence, ArenaVision LED floodlights had to illuminate not only the playing area but also the stage and public area
Ekinox Arena
Ekinox Arena, France

Chelsea F.C.
London, UK
Chelsea F.C.
The installed LED pitch lighting meets the new stringent broadcast criteria of the English Premier League.
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Harlequins and UV-C disinfection
Twickenham, UK
Harlequins and UV-C disinfection
Learn how Philips UV-C upper air luminaires are helping to keep Harlequins players safe off the pitch.
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Meitingen, Germany
Find out how Bosch is using office lighting to create a productive work atmosphere and save energy.
Show moreOur Philips UV-C disinfection upper air wall mount luminaires inactivated 99.99% of SARS-COV-2, the virus responsible of the COVID-19 disease, in the air of a room within 10 minutes.
UV-C in school classrooms
Amsterdam, Netherlands
UV-C in school classrooms
Virus inactivating UV-C technology helps to protect educators and students in schools.
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Pila, Poland
42% energy savings and better working conditions for the employees with the modernization to Pacific LED.
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A safe return to the office for Forte Partner
Bucharest, Romania
A safe return to the office for Forte Partner
In the context of the recent pandemic, Forte Partners chose UV-C disinfection lighting aiming to give their tenants the comfort to return to a safe office.
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Reims, France
Sonepar Connect in Reims, France, choses Philips UV-C disinfection upper air luminaires to protect the air in their rooms against bacteria and viruses.
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Pomme D'Api, Madrid
Madrid, Spain
Pomme D'Api, Madrid
Philips UV-C air disinfection gave peace of mind to Pomme D'Api school in Madrid, creating a secure interior environment without disturbing classroom dynamics.
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Uv-c upper air masinoprojekt
Belgrade, Serbia
Uv-c upper air masinoprojekt
Mašinoprojekt Kopring a.d., a construction business company, from Belgrade, Serbia, has chosen Philips UV-C Upper Air for disinfection in their conference room
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Veenendaal swimming pools
Veenendaal, the Netherlands
Veenendaal swimming pools
See how Philips LED lighting installation at Veenendaal chlorinated swimming pools reduces disruption and improves safety.
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Bourne Hill Stables and UV-C disinfection
United Kingdom
Bourne Hill Stables and UV-C disinfection
Learn how Philips UV-C disinfection lighting is helping to keep the stars of equestrian sport safer and healthier at Bourne Hill Stables.
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Public lighting nieuwkoop
The Netherlands
Public lighting nieuwkoop
We helped Nieuwkoop to ensure that its bat population and wildlife is not disturbed by artificial lighting, by installing streetlights with specially designed color and wavelength
Show moreIn our gym, all hygiene and distance regulations according to RIVM1 are implemented. I am convinced our UV-C lamps provide a valuable contribution to keeping the air in the upper sections of our workout spaces disinfected. You work out in a disinfected room and we are the first to introduce this in the Netherlands. I believe that aerosols are a big part of the problem and I want to be ‘avant-garde’, to be part of the solution. And if the second wave will arrives, we are ready for it.
UV-C air disinfection - 't Klaslokaal
Bloemendaal, the Netherlands
UV-C air disinfection - 't Klaslokaal
By installing Philips UV-C disinfection upper air, ‘t Klaslokaal is the first gym to disinfect air in workout spaces in the Netherlands.
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